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ZURAD Sp. z o.o.
ul. Stacyjna 14
07-300 Ostrów Mazowiecka

KRS Sąd Rejonowy w Białymstoku,
XII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS,
NIP: 7591615138
Numer KRS: 0000211833

REGON: 551331204
BDO: 000003672
Kapitał zakładowy: 3.650.000,00 zł
Koncesja MSWiA: Nr B-043/2005

tel.:+48 29 64 42 610
kom.:+48 604 549 530
fax.: +48 29 746 25 31




History of the plant dates back to the beginning of the 60s, when Associated Plant of the Radio Production Factory RAWAR in Warsaw was established, starting development of the industrial environment  in Ostrów Mazowiecka.

In March 1963, two mechanical departments were opened. Their were focused on  manufacturing details and sub-assemblies of products for RAWAR.

At the beginning of the seventies, first vehicle speedometer MIRADO-732, and SRD77 was introduced into  production.

1978 The Associated Plant were transformed into  independent company called Radio-location Equipment Factory – ZURAD, being the part of the RADWAR  – Scientific and Production Center for Professional Electronics.     

1978  the Patent Office registered the trade mark ZURAD. Company was specialized in manufacturing  components for the radio-location equipment.

In early  80’s ZURAD  had entered production of marine navigation radars On  September 6th 1983, the first marine radar manufactured in the plant was awarded the Certificate of the Polish Register of Shipping.

Starting form 1990 consistent development  of the plant and products were observed. Company has placed on the market  radio-location equipment: radar speedometers SRD 77 and SRD 87 as well as marine navigation radars SRN 300 and SRN 700. The radars were exported to many countries worldwide and they constituted a flagships of the electronics industry and the company.

At the first half of the nineties several new products were designed, among the others:

  • RUBIN – radio location ballistic field station for artillery purposes,
  • RAPID 1A- a pistol road radar for the Police,
  • street radar speedometer URWP-1,
  • range of products designed to protect a property – among others, cases, boxes and suitcases equipped with alarm systems and shock systems.

At the end of the nineties, works were intensified to design new products, such as

  • modern digital radar intended to measure speed of motor vehicles – FOTORAPID type, and modern gages for WRR 15 and 20 navigation radars.
  • there took place modernization of the RAPID 1 pistol road radar, resulting in the RAPID-2Ka radar speedometer.

Since 2000 the management of the plant focused on restructuring, including the employment, aimed at adjusting the organizational structure of the plant to the production capacity, and the employment rate to the current needs arising from its business.

At that time there started production of:

  • containers made acc. to TEMPEST technology,
  • VIDEORAPID1 control speedometer,

Industrial services, in the field of mechanical processing. An important item in the offer is In December 2003, a renewal audit was carried out by the Polish Register of Shipping, as a result of which the Company was awarded the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System Certificate. In autumn 2003, at the International Defense Industry Exhibition in Kielce, the FOTORAPID Council Speed Control System was awarded the Defender prize for its outstanding technical solution for national defense and safety.

2004 –  2005  Modernization of Rapid 2Ka Radar Speed Meter and FOTORAPID Radar Vehicle Speed Control System was carried out. In autumn, at the 13th edition of MSPO (fairs) in Kielce, another prize was awarded to the VIDEORAPID 1 Speedometer. Works on the design of the Field Container Casino have begun. In August 2005, the plant obtained a concession for business activity in scope of production and trade with products intended for military or police services and related technologies.

2006 – 2007  Further development of new products were made: new Vehicle Speed Control System FOTORAPID C and the new design of the Digital Speed Control Meter VIDEORAPID 2. Moreover, the plant equips the army with a Field Container Casino.

2015 –  Consolidation process of the national defense industry, took place. As a result company has became a part of the PGZ  – Polish Armament Group.

PGZ  is one of the largest defense concerns in Europe. It consists  of over 50 companies of utmost importance  for the Polish defense industry: production plants, service facilities and research centers. The PGZ is a manufacturer of innovative systems and solutions applied by the Polish Military Forces and allied formations.

2016 – Zakład Urządzeń Radiolokacyjnych ZURAD Sp. z o.o. changed its name to ZURAD Sp. z o.o.

For the next years , the Management Board is aimed at  focusing on the implementation of new technological solutions and development of products in the field of road safety; it also focused on cooperation services designed for business partners.